Returning or travelling to Canada during COVID-19?
If you’re returning or planning to travel to Canada, it’s important to be aware of new mandatory requirements in place that protect both you and Canadians from the spread of COVID-19. Following these measures can also speed up processing upon arrival and go a long way towards a seamless travel experience. Remember that you’re still required to quarantine or isolate for 14 days upon arriving in the country.
What's new for Canada-bound travellers?
As of November 21, 2020, people travelling to Canada are required to digitally submit information via ArriveCAN, available online and as a mobile app. Here’s an overview of the new requirements. Note that there are certain exemptions for travellers who are exempt from the 14-day quarantine.
Air travellers
As of November 21, 2020, you need to use ArriveCAN to digitally submit your travel and contact information, your quarantine plan and a COVID-19 symptom selfassessment before boarding your flight to Canada. You’ll also need to show your printed or digital ArriveCAN receipt to a border services officer upon arrival in Canada.
After you have entered Canada, you must use ArriveCAN or call 1-833-641-0343 within 48 hours to confirm that you have arrived at your place of quarantine or isolation. You‘ll also need to complete a daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessment during your quarantine period.
Land or marine vessel travellers
As of November 21, 2020, you need to confirm your arrival at your place of quarantine or isolation within 48 hours of crossing the border and provide a daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessment via ArriveCAN or by calling 1-833-641-0343 toll-free. If you entered Canada by land or marine vessel and provided your information verbally to a border services officer or by using a paper form at the border, you will need to use the toll-free number (1-833-641-0343) to submit the information required. You cannot switch to using ArriveCAN.
Knowing what to expect when you arrive in Canada can save you time and effort as you embark on your trip.
When entering Canada, a border services officer will:
- Ask if you have a cough, fever or difficulty breathing. (Answer truthfully. Remember, Canadians, persons with status under the Indian Act and permanent residents who have COVID-19 symptoms are allowed to return to Canada.)
- Ask if you understand that you must:
- • quarantine for 14 days if you don't have symptoms or
• isolate for 14 days if you have symptoms - Ask if you have a suitable place to isolate or quarantine, where:
• you'll have access to basic necessities, including water, food, medication, and heat during the winter months
• you won't have contact with people who:
- are 65 years or older
- have underlying medical conditions
- have compromised immune systems
• you won't be in a group or community living arrangement
Give you instructions on the actions you must take under the emergency order and the penalties for non-compliance.Ask to see your printed or digital ArriveCAN receipt if you have arrive by air.- Ask to see your printed or digital ArriveCAN receipt if you have arrived by air.
- Before travelling, you should also research local public health measures and restrictions for your destination as they can vary.
Start preparing for your trip now. Use ArriveCAN by signing in at
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